1. Make sure all lights on truck and trailer are working
2. Make sure all tires on truck and trailer are aired up and safe to drive on
3.Make sure ramps on trailer are locked and secured
4. Make sure straps are in good condition
5. Make sure no check engine or low tire pressue lights are on
6. Make sure truck is clean on inside and outside
7. Make sure you have all necessary tools to make your trips: Ex:
jumper cables, jumper box, air pump, power drill, pliers and
screwdrivers, a tube of degreaser. In winter months: A scraper,
8. Make sure you have a spare tire for truck and trailer in good
9.. Make sure you all have all credit cards: EX: Gas cards etc
10. At beginning of shift each week put mileage
11. At end of shift each week put mileage
12. At beginning of shift each week put where gas tank is
13. At end of shift each week put where gas tank is
14. Make sure to keep all receipts in designated spot and also texta picture of receipt as well